Outdoor Education

Embrace the outdoors where resilience, leadership and friendships flourish

When we think about learning at school, we might imagine a classroom setting. At Otago Girls' High School, many memorable learning experiences take place outdoors, as part of our highly regarded Outdoor Education programme. 

Students first experience the Outdoor Education programme just a few weeks into Year 9, when they head away with their new classmates to develop confidence, resilience and interpersonal skills at Year 9 camp. This is an important part of getting to know others who may very well become friends for life. 

The programme continues throughout all year levels, with Outdoor Education also available as a curriculum subject selection from Year 11. Opportunities like ski trips, rock climbing, surfing and tramping are available to everyone.  

Year 9 - Orientation camp

Year 10 - Building Memories and Skills for Life multi-day camp, local marae experience

Year 11- Outdoor Education rock climbing and mountain biking camps, Aoraki Mount Cook Geography camp

Year 12 - Outdoor Education cycle touring and high ropes camps, Physical Education camp in Central Otago, Biology and Geography Borland Lodge and Doubtful Sound camp

Year 13 - Outdoor Education tramping and cycle touring camps, Physical Education cross country skiing camp, Geography camp in Queenstown

Get-2-Go Challenge

Annual Ski and Snowboard four day excursion

Opportunities for senior students to participate in Outward Bound Spirit of Adventure

Hillary Award (Duke of Edinburgh) across all year levels

Rock Climbing, Surfing and Tramping are all offered as extracurricular activities for all students

Curriculum subjects involve field trips at all levels

Two-week World Challenge adventure to South East Asia