
There are no speed limits on the road to excellence

Academic Excellence: Striving for the best

We consistently achieve outstanding academic results, ranking among the top schools nationwide. Our NCEA, University Entrance, and Scholarship results exceed the national average by 20%. Placing in the top three schools in Otago and Dunedin, our dedicated staff and culture of learning support us forward. Notably, our students earned three Top Scholar in New Zealand awards for Media Studies, French, and Sculpture in 2020, showcasing our commitment to excellence. At Otago Girls' High School, learning is central, shaping futures for lifelong success.

In 2023 our Level Three and University Entrance results were in the top three across all 27 schools in Otago and in the top two Scholarship results for girls across both single sex and coed schools in Otago. Otago Girls’ High School has consistently been awarded the most tertiary Scholarships from the University of Otago for the past four years, totalling $688,000 across all universities in 2023.

2023 OGHS vs National Achievement

  OGHS National
Level One 82% 61%
Level Two 87% 73%
Level Three 92% 67%
UE 83% 48%