Learning Hub

Each department ignites a passion for learning and innovation

Explore the vibrant tapestry of our learning areas at Otago Girls’ High School, where a maximum Year 9 class size of 26 students ensures personalised attention. With 46 subject choices across eight diverse learning areas and 60 talented teachers delivering specialist programmes, every learner is supported to thrive. Immerse yourself in the work and experiences of our students below and discover a world of knowledge and opportunity!

Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro nōnā te ngahere, ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga nōnā te ao.

The forest belongs to the bird who feasts on the miro berry, the world belongs to the bird who feasts on education.


English classes offer an opportunity for students to engage with literature and develop their communication and creative skills. Junior classes spend time in our Library each week, becoming familiar with the space and using the amazing resources available at our school. They learn how to write structured essays, formal letters and create engaging static images, as well as examining poetry and prose from some of our incredible New Zealand writers.

Our senior classes dive into rich literature that provokes conversation about the issues that are relevant to our past, present and future. In English, there's always something to think about. There is information to research, connections to make and arguments to develop, all while learning in an engaging, dynamic space.

He iti te kupu he nui te kōrero

The word is small but it has many meanings

Health and Physical Education

In the Physical Education and Health, students at Otago Girls’ High School gain knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values to enjoy a healthy lifestyle and to contribute actively to the wellbeing of other people and the wellbeing of their communities.  Students take increasing responsibility for their own health and learn movement skills in a wide range of contexts such as Ki o Rahi, Handball, Rock climbing, Mountain biking, Badminton, Lacrosse and much more.  They develop the skills that enable them to enhance their relationships with other people, and they participate in creating healthy communities by taking responsible and critical action.

Outdoor Education takes students outside their comfort zone into environments and experiences that teach resilience, teamwork and self-awareness.

All of our physical and outdoor education trips build memories and friendships for life.

He oranga ngākau, he pikinga waiora. 

Positive feelings in your heart will raise your sense of self worth.


Come on a global journey with our Languages Department! Immerse yourself in the living heritage of Te Reo Māori, the passion of Spanish, the precision of Japanese, and the romance of French. Our experienced teachers will guide you through interactive lessons, cultural experiences, and language immersion activities that will ignite your passion for languages.

But that's not all – at our school, the world truly is your classroom! Expand your horizons with our exciting overseas exchanges and trips, where you'll have the opportunity to practice your language skills in real-life settings, forge international friendships, and create unforgettable memories. From strolling through the streets of Paris to exploring the vibrant markets of Tokyo, the possibilities are endless.

Join us and become a global citizen, equipped with the linguistic and cultural fluency to thrive in an interconnected world. Discover the power of language and unlock doors to new opportunities – your adventure starts here!

Ko tōu reo, ko tōku reo, te tuakiri tangata.Tīhei uriuri, tīhei nakonako.

Your voice and my voice are expressions of identity. May our descendants live on and our hopes be fulfilled.


Unlock the power of numbers with the Mathematics department at Otago Girls’ High School! Our programme is designed to inspire and challenge students, providing the mathematics foundation for many career paths. 

From prestigious external competitions that push the boundaries of problem-solving to collaborative statistical investigations that delve into real-world data, our department fosters a culture of curiosity and discovery. We believe in nurturing students' mathematical capabilities by providing a supportive learning environment and employing innovative teaching methods tailored to different learning styles.

We strive to instill a deep appreciation for the relevance of mathematics in today's world. Whether it's deciphering complex algorithms or analysing trends in data, mathematical knowledge and numeracy skills are essential for success in every aspect of life.

Kei hopu tōu ringa ki te aka tāepa, engari kia mau ki te aka matua.

Cling to the main vine, not the loose one.


Welcome to Otago Girls' High School Science Department, where excellence in scientific education meets boundless opportunity! Our department boasts specialist teachers renowned for their expertise across Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. With strong ties to the University of Otago, we provide students with a seamless transition into higher education and beyond.

Equipped with five well-resourced laboratories, we offer students an immersive learning environment conducive to exploration and discovery. Beyond the classroom, we actively engage our students in real-world scientific endeavours, including Citizen Science experiences such as the Tomahawk Lagoon Study and Dunedin Town Belt Kaitiaki environmental planting initiatives. In these hands-on projects, students not only deepen their understanding of scientific principles but also contribute meaningfully to their community.

At Otago Girls' High School, we empower young women to excel in STEM-based careers. With a special emphasis on fostering female talent in science, we celebrate our students' successes in national and international competitions, as well as their innovative projects showcased at Science Fairs. Join us in shaping the future of science and inspiring the next generation of female leaders in STEM!

Mā te whakaaro nui e hanga te whare; mā te mātauranga e whakaū

Big ideas create the house; knowledge maintains it.

Social Sciences

Learning about how the world works and how to become a critically informed, actively engaged citizen is at the heart of the Social Sciences.  At Otago Girls’ students have opportunities to develop their understanding, knowledge and skills in a number of areas including Geography, History, Economics, Commerce, Enterprise, Business Studies, Media Studies, Tourism, Gateway and Social Studies.  Experience the world can happen inside the classroom and beyond.

There are many highlights on the social sciences at Otago Girls’ High School.  Recently students have explored beyond the classroom and enjoyed trips to Aoraki Mt Cook, Fiordland and Queenstown as well as visiting local beaches.  Junior students focus both on local experiences such as visiting a Marae and participating in our Human Rights Festival.  Our Commerce and Business Studies students have had huge opportunities that have seen them achieve highly at a local and national level.  Students have recently travelled to Wellington, Auckland and even as far as Mexico as part of the Young Enterprise Programme.  Developing strong links with the business community via regular business mentor meetings will no doubt see our success continue. In 2022 our students were awarded the YES National Business Success - New Zealand Comany of the Year top award for their Sole Haircare company and product.

The Social Sciences at Otago Girls’ provides students with numerous opportunities to extend their thinking about the world as it is, has been and what  might be. 

Unuhia te rito o te harakeke kei whea te kōmako e kō?
Whakatairangitia – rere ki uta, rere ki tai;
Ui mai koe ki ahau he aha te mea nui o te ao,
Māku e kī atu he tangata, he tangata, he tangata!

Remove the heart of the flax bush and where will the kōmako sing?
Proclaim it to the land, proclaim it to the sea;
Ask me, “What is the greatest thing in the world?”
I will reply, “It is people, people, people!”


The Technology department at Otago Girls' High School provides opportunities for students to design, develop and extend their thinking in a range of disciplines. We encourage all of our students to think broadly and solve real world problems from the moment they start. We have the expertise and knowledge to support young people in their learning and we love seeing them discover new techniques and materials.   

We see our technology classrooms as places where students gain the confidence and knowledge to shape the world around them. Our students are problem solvers, lateral thinkers, innovators and they enjoy challenges.

Technology choices at Otago Girls’ High School include Digital Technology, Textiles Technology, Food Technology, Hard Materials Technology, Design and Visual Communication and Hospitality, all with specialist subject teachers.

Kaua e rangiruatia te hāpai o te hoe; e kore tō tātou waka e ū ki uta.

Don’t paddle out of unison; our canoe will never reach the shore.

Visual and Performing Arts

Come on a learning adventure with our vibrant Arts Department. Immerse yourself in the rhythm of dance, the intensity of drama, the harmony of music, the creativity of visual arts, and the cultural richness of Te Ao Haka. Our dedicated teachers will inspire and lead you through immersive cultural experiences and activities designed to spark your enthusiasm for the arts.

Uncover the transformative power of the arts and unlock doors to new opportunities. Your journey begins now.

Te toi whakairo, ka ihiihi, ka wehiwehi, ka aweawe te ao katoa.

Artistic excellence makes the world sit up in wonder.

Big Sing Choral Competiton results

Congratulations to our choirs for their amazing performances at the Big Sing Chorale Competition. Special mention to Nautilus Chorale for winning the NZCF Millenium Trophy for Best Performance in Category 2, Choral Art Music, and being selected to attend the Cadenza in August. Enjoy the highlights!

Rockquest Success

Checkout the highlights from this year's Smokefree Rockquest, featuring Del Rio, Landline, and the Burberry Scarves. Congratulations to Landline and the Burberry Scarves for being selected as regional finalists. Enjoy the show!